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SAP ERP Alternatives

SAP ERP Alternatives: Why Choose Blue Lotus 360 ERP

Businesses that accept change are the ones that rule the market. But what does it take to be a market ruler? Business strategy is the kingmaker. Along with a good strategy, companies need ERP. Enterprise resource planning is an innovative way to achieve your business goals.

Since then, there have been many ERP providers. SAP is one of them. But now is the time to change and get better results for your company. We can help you with SAP ERP alternatives and why choose Blue Lotus 360 ERP.

Why is ERP important?

Enterprise resource planning is one of the ways to achieve maximum business goals. ERP makes tasks easier. With everything going on with automation, you get time to focus on your business deals.

Real-time data monitoring, business processes, and easy operations make business tasks less challenging. It also makes tax paying a simple job. It allows you to systematically arrange your financial accounts.

SAP ERP Alternatives: Why Choose Blue Lotus 360 ERP

Since its inception, Blue Lotus 360 has done a commendable job as an ERP service provider. There are various reasons why you should choose Blue Lotus 360 as an SAP ERP alternative. The features provided are most-engaging and elevate your business to the next level.

If you are using SAP ERP, you may have faced various problems with the software. Most likely, that is the reason why you are looking for an alternative. Often, SAP ERP comes with lesser updates yet high price tags. Blue Lotus 360 is aware of what the market demands. Have a look.

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Best for SMBs

ERP software providers like SAP create common plans. These plans are generally suitable for bigger businesses. Small and medium business companies feel left out. Therefore, Blue Lotus 360 gives prominence to SMBs.

Small or medium companies are often restricted by their budget. That is why Blue Lotus 360 has plans that are reasonable for all organizations. These plans do not compromise on quality and offer the best services to the clients.

Blue Lotus 360 has focused on covering essential business services in each plan. These services are important for budding businesses. The focus is on inventory management and customer relationship management. These two features play a pivotal role in organizations.

Apart from these, organizations are open to custom services if required. They can always add or remove any of the features as per the needs of the hour. There are no compulsions in packages.

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The main reason to find alternatives in common is budget. Sometimes ERP providers charge a hefty amount that not every company can afford. Blue Lotus believes in growing together. This is why we have ERP plans that are affordable and manageable.

You can always switch to any of the ERP packages depending on what your business demands the most. Paying for ERP software is one thing. But paying fees for things like licenses, data security, and customization is no less than a headache.

At Blue Lotus 360, you are kept far away from these extra costs. The ERP plans include all the fees and extra costs. Affordable costs do not imply less functionality. The ERP software by Blue Lotus will function even better than that of costlier ERP providers.

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Brilliant Features

Often, clients discuss a lack of features even after paying out of budget. This is a common problem among most ERP software providers. Blue Lotus 360 has been a game-changer when it comes to features.

ERP software features in each of the packages by Blue Lotus 360 are exceptional. These features cover extensive business requirements. You will find human resource management, sales, accounts, delivery tracking, stock management, etc.

Additionally, all these features gather real-time data when preparing reports. Due to real-time data, the reports are accurate and free from human errors. No manipulation of the data will be possible. All you will get is an honest and correct report.

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Data security is the priority at Blue Lotus 360. Trust is the building block of any relationship. Blue Lotus finds customer relationships the most important. That is the reason why Blue Lotus has invested in one of the best securities for its clients.

Blue Lotus 360 mandatorily follows the standard guidelines. Its compliance with regulations ensures that all your business data is in safe hands. Cyber threats occur where there are loopholes. Blue Lotus keeps maintaining updates and security checks.

The security team always troubleshoots the issues then and there. This paves the way for any loophole in the ERP software. Hence, your data is safe and protected. Over the years, many ERP providers, like SAP ERP, have not emphasized security checks.

Such mistakes often lead to bigger scams and cyber frauds in organizations. But Blue Lotus stays alert and protects your data.

Quick Implementation

Slow and steady wins the race, but not always. A software update is something that you can slow down. Better updates mean better work. Blue Lotus 360 focuses on implementing quicker updates.

If the clients want a change in plan, that service update takes no time. Blue Lotus speeds up the implementation process, so your customers need not wait. Imagine that your ERP software stops working. And the service provider takes hours to respond. It is the same as your internet not working the whole day.

Blue Lotus will never give you such bad days. Quick implementation of services is the vision of the company.

If you want to see drastic growth in your business, you need to get better software. SAP ERP may be good, but it falls behind in many ways. Blue Lotus 360 makes sure to stay updated with the ever-changing needs of the market.

Switch to Blue Lotus 360 for the best ERP provider in UK. The costs of the plans are designed in a way that small businesses can afford them. For medium organizations, the features are set accordingly.

If you want to know more about our services, go through our website. You can also contact us for any support.

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