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ERP For Packaging Industry

ERP For Packaging Industry

ERP, or enterprise resource planning, has become an integral part of the packaging industry. It is a powerful tool that streamlines business operations and the steps involved in the packaging industry. A business that involves minute detailing is none other than the packaging industry. Various roles are played by erp for packaging industry.

It is essential to understand how ERP works in the packaging industry. Knowing its benefits is pivotal, as you can then decide if your packaging business needs ERP or not. Dive deep into this article to learn more about erp for packaging industry.

Understanding ERP in Packaging

Most businesses and organizations make the best use of enterprise resource planning. As per the name, ERP helps in planning resources and looking after all the business things. ERP has always been important for multiple businesses as it caters to services in the best way possible.

ERP in packaging can serve various roles. It integrates all the steps and processes into a single system. There is no need to purchase different software for the functioning of your packaging industry. A single ERP system is the best one-stop solution.

It looks after stock and inventory control, packing, tracking, and delivering. To understand more about how ERP works in packaging, we need to talk about its functions and benefits.

Suggested Read: 7 Benefits of ERP in Logistics

Core functionalities of Packaging ERP

Below are the core functionalities of packaging ERP. These are the main reasons why packaging industries trust and invest in ERP software solutions.

Production Planning and Scheduling

No business can thrive without proper planning. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. And this goes right with the packaging industry. Production planning and scheduling are the foremost steps in the packaging industry. ERP makes sure you have the right material to pack specific items.

As a packaging industry, you might need to pack diverse varieties of products. Each of these may require a special packaging material. It also needs to be in stock at your location. Thus, ERP manages to update the available material.

You also need to schedule product packaging. Let us say you allot one day to packing plastic-based products only. You scheduled the other day for packing glass-items only. You can create such day-wise schedules for your employees. It is an efficient way of getting work done systematically.

Inventory Management

The packaging industry always has to keep raw materials and finished goods separately. You always have a huge requirement for raw materials belonging to specific categories. These may include cardboards, thin sheets, papers, etc.

ERP helps in maintaining a record of what is available. Its function in inventory management is one of the best and most needed. If you own a larger packaging company, you cannot keep a check on raw materials manually.

Therefore, once you mention the quantity of raw materials in the ERP system, it keeps updating. As the staff uses any of the raw materials, the data is updated on the system. These automatic updates make things easier for your employees.

Quality Control and Traceability

Quality is what customers rely on. It is near to impossible for the packaging industry to manually look after the quality of each raw material of finished goods. ERP has a system of automatic checks. It tracks production, inspects the quality of all the items, and makes sure the standards are met.

Tracing all of these fine details is a simple task for ERP. If the system finds any issue with the quality, it notifies you about the same. You also get to track each item. From its raw materials to its delivery, you get to track it all.

In case of any resolution, you have data about the quality of the materials and the delivery date. You can either help the customer or claim the quality if needed.

Sales and Order Management

Order management is a challenging task in the packaging industry. You need to fulfil customer demands and also make sure you pack the items well. Any breakage or damage to the product can have a negative impact on your business’s image.

ERP takes orders automatically, shares information with you, and helps you pack the order. It integrates all the processes together to help you in the best way possible. Accepting orders, checking quality, order pick up, and real-time tracking are some of its main functions.

It takes responsibility for most of your processes. Thus, you get enough time to focus on other business needs. There are also fewer chances of mistakes as all the tasks are automatic and technology-dependent.

Benefits of Implementing Packaging ERP

To understand why your business needs ERP, you need to read about its benefits. There are various benefits to implementing packaging ERP.

Increased operational efficiency and reduced costs

Automatic processes are the easiest way to tackle businesses. Most organizations and business giants rely on automatic tasks. ERP increases operational efficiency by taking charge of most steps. It streamlines operations, which eventually saves time and energy.

When all the steps are integrated and streamlined into a single system, it saves you money. You need not hire labourers for several tasks. That too reduces cost. The quality check by ERP is top-notch and thus waste material is reduced. In turn, it reduces costs.

Therefore, using ERP for your packaging business saves time, money, and energy. It increases work efficiency and makes sure that all tasks are done on time. This way, you are ready to deliver packed items to the clients on or before time.

Improved production planning and resource utilization

Manual planning creates a lot of mess and can be chaotic. Teamwork efficiency is reduced while planning. It may also take days or weeks to plan. Sometimes we tend to forget about certain resources, and there is either overuse or underuse.

ERP is one of the best planners. You simply need to add the tasks, material details, and relevant information. It will create a plan for you and schedule it in the system. Your employees can go with the schedule and mark it as completed. All the other employees can see what is done and what is left.

ERP will thus help you make a production plan without any chaos. It also allocates resources as and when needed. You only need to follow the timeline designed by the ERP software.

Enhanced traceability and regulatory compliance

The packaging industry needs to follow quality and material guidelines. You cannot compromise on these standards. You need to make sure that raw materials have the quality as per the set standard. Or else, you may land in trouble.

ERP allows you to track all the raw materials along with their quality. You can see if the products are wrapped in a particular material as per the government norms. This ensures regulatory compliance. You get to deliver the products well-packed to the customers.

If your business packs products of various bases like ceramics, glass, plastics, clothes, etc., you need ERP. Once you install it, you will realize how easy your tasks have become. Quality control, tracking, and following material regulations will take very little time. But doing the same manually can actually consume a lot of time.

Improved customer satisfaction with faster delivery and quality control

Don’t we all want our parcels to reach us faster? The companies that have faster service are customers’ favorites. But customers often feel that with faster delivery, quality is reduced. This is not a good thing, though. Hence, you need to focus on faster delivery and better quality.

How is this possible? Well, just with ERP. ERP for the packaging industry makes sure your customers get what they want. Without reducing the quality, the parcels reach them faster. This way, they are happy and satisfied.

If you meet the expectations of your customers, they are more likely to stay for a long time. It also leaves a positive image of your brand in their eyes. Businesses that fulfil customer needs are the ones that thrive the most.

Access to real-time data insights for better decision-making

Real-time data has been a game-changer for most organizations. Companies use real-time data to make better developments. They are ready to answer the growing demands of customers quickly. Markets are always changing and upgrading. With this, customers also demand items accordingly.

If you fail to fulfil these demands, you might have to face a setback. And no company wants this. Trust ERP to help you gather real-time data and make better decisions. Instant decisions can actually take your business up the graph.


ERP for the packaging industry is no less than a miracle. It makes tasks simpler and operations smoother. To stand ahead in the packaging business, you need to rely on ERP. From inventory management to order tracking, ERP can do it all.

It makes sure quality standards are met and customer needs are fulfilled. It also creates perfect plans and schedules, along with utilizing resources. All you need to do is just invest in the best ERP software solution. And leave the rest on it. With automation and instant processes, you get to do a lot more in your business.

Contact Blue Lotus 360 who offer ERP software in UK to get erp for packaging industry.

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