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ERP for Jewellery Manufacturing

ERP for Jewellery Manufacturing

Looking for ERP for Jewellery manufacturing?

Enterprise resource planning is software used by businesses for effective business management. Precision and efficiency are the most important factors in jewellery manufacturing. Many minute elements and intricate designs together run a successful jewellery manufacturing business.

That is why erp for jewellery manufacturing is an essential piece of software. It helps you take care of all the manufacturing processes and details. Whether you own a wholesale business or a retail business, ERP software is helpful for all.

What is ERP and why is it important for Jewellery manufacturers?

ERP, or enterprise resource planning, is software used by most businesses to have an efficient workflow. This software handles finances, stocks, delivery tracking, and order management. One of its main uses is barcode scanning.

There are various ways in which an ERP can be used for jewellery manufacturing. It simplifies your business-related tasks into steps. The software is designed in a way to cater services to different businesses and their types.

Jewellery manufacturers and sellers often find discrepancies in their accounts. It is seen that their businesses lack transparency and face several management difficulties. As a jewellery manufacturer, you might need to buy many smaller pieces and even bigger ones.

5 Key Features of Jewellery Manufacturing ERP

1. Order Management

A key feature of ERP here is that it manages orders easily. The streamlining of all operations and staying updated with orders are its main tasks. When a customer places an order, the ERP records it, shares the details with you, and also shares the transaction receipt.

All the further steps of the jewellery making process are then updated by the staff. Then, when the order is packed, added to the delivery trip, and received by the customer, you get notified. This way, you also have a track on your jewellery all the time.

2. Quality Control

When it comes to jewellery and stones, no one compromises. Top-notch quality is always in demand, and it also speaks about the authenticity of your business. Most times, customers find it annoying to negotiate the quality of jewellery.

But ERP is a great way to check quality. You can add certain quality parameters that need to be checked. The software will then always see if those qualities are fulfilled by your jewellery. This way, there are fewer chances of human error. You can customize the parameters for various jewellery items.

3. Scheduling Production

The production or manufacturing of jewellery is a time-consuming task. There is no way that you can make a design instantly. From designing to actually making it, it all needs details and a schedule. When you have a lot of workers, it can be difficult to manage.

That is why, by using ERP, you get to plan. You can schedule on the software regarding the schedule of each jewellery item. Your workers will work on the plan, and you will have a track record of the work that is done.

4. Inventory Management

What is jewellery manufacturing without raw materials? Being out of stock isn’t good for the jewellery manufacturers. So, to stay alert on stocks, rely on ERP. Once you upload all the data, it will keep updating the raw materials that are used. It also shares an update on what you need to re-stock.

5. Transparency

Keep the details open and transparent for all. The workers at your place, or anyone else, for that matter, cannot hide anything. The quality measures, stock details, transactions, etc. will all be available on the ERP software. Thus, a lack of transparency can be avoided.

5 Benefits of Jewellery Manufacturing ERP

1. Quick Quotations

While making a jewellery bill, there is a lot that needs to be added. The weight, other quality measures, hallmark details, etc. are all necessary. Trust ERP for faster bills and quotations. Whether you want to share it with a client or a customer, you are all set.

These quotations take just a few minutes, and you can also share them online or print them. You can make a ready-made format, and when you select the jewellery item, the bill will be ready.

2. Resource Optimization

Sustainability in any business is essential. Sometimes even a tiny item plays a huge role. Therefore, ERP in jewellery manufacturing helps in optimizing resources. It informs you about the waste that has been generated, the stock that is left, and other such information.

You can use the data to reuse the waste if possible. You can also make proper use of the tiny items available. This will save you a lot of money.

3. Adaptability

Fluctuations are constant in jewellery manufacturing. ERP also needs to change and adapt to these changes. ERP software is capable of always changing as per the needs. You need not worry about the changing market trends.

The ERP software can be customized as per the latest market analysis and requirements. If you ever want to change the strength of your business, even then, you can customize ERP.

4. Increased Productivity

When everything becomes automatic, life gets easier. Isn’t it? ERP for jewellery manufacturing increases productivity by reducing manual work. Your workers get to focus on manufacturing jewellery and other tasks. They need not spare their time in making bills, tracking each order individually, etc.

5. Error-free Transaction Reports

Sometimes payment getaways go through downtime. It is during these times that customers pay twice. Two different transaction reports can only result in tax issues and billing problems. ERP takes note of such transactions and makes sure there are no duplicate transactions.


ERP for jewellery manufacturing is an efficient way of tackling the manufacturing business. It helps you look after the business effectively without any confusion. The best part is that you can customize the software as per the demands of your business.

From listing every little raw piece in the stock to tracking it through a barcode, it will all be easy. All you have to do is just invest in the right ERP software for your jewellery manufacturing business. And then you will be ready to manage the business in the easiest of ways.

Contact Blue Lotus 360 who provides ERP software in UK to implement ERP for Jewellery manufacturing.

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